It's due to nights like tonight that writing is such an important tool for me. As I sit on my bed, still fully clothed at 00:53, I have no intention of going to bed and falling asleep. There's too much on my mind. Too much weighing me down that I just don't want to...
Neglect in the time of Corona
These past six months have been undoubtedly difficult for everyone, we are facing unprecedented times after all. And I honestly feel that during this time I have been somewhat neglected. I've felt forgotten and invisible. To put these feelings into context, here's a...
A Quarter of a Century Young
As of 23:02 tonight I will have officially been on this planet for 25 years! Becoming a quarter of a century old intimidates me, I’m overwhelmed and terrified and probably for the first time in my life I don’t really want to age up…
Dealing with the heat when you have sensory differences
As stereotypical Brits we all hate the heat (then again we also hate the rain), however, when you have autism (ASD) and consequently sensory differences, a little bit of sun can be almost impossible to cope with. As I will always emphasise, ASD effects each and every...
Autism Awareness via Letters and Notes
Going through some old files recently I found some letters and notes written by child Susanna. Letters and notes that are distressing and need to be seen as they highlight the full effect that Autism has on a child. Today is World Autism Awareness Day, so I figured...
Just Stop Asking
Right now one of my main triggers for social anxiety is having to constantly answer the question, ‘so what are you doing at the moment?’. My automatic response is normally ‘not much’ but it seems this is insufficient. Although most people ask the question because they’re either genuinely interested or just want to start a conversation, for me it is painful to answer…
My VNS Journey So Far…
Two weeks ago today I returned home after receiving my VNS Surgery. Describing these past 14 days as a rollercoaster would be an inadequate understatement. I only received the date five days before the operation took place. Very little information was given to me,...
Thank You Holby City!
As someone with ASD I have had multiple special interests over the years. During my pre-teens that special interest was Holby City. Seeing both Faye Morton and Joseph Byrne return to Holby City filled me with an embarrassing amount of emotion.