Just some small thoughts

I'm currently working on rebranding and updating my site. As part of this process, I decided to finally categorise all the blogs currently on here. Of course, some of them are over a year old, so I read over them to establish just which category/ies they best fit...

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Just Stop Asking

Right now one of my main triggers for social anxiety is having to constantly answer the question, ‘so what are you doing at the moment?’. My automatic response is normally ‘not much’ but it seems this is insufficient. Although most people ask the question because they’re either genuinely interested or just want to start a conversation, for me it is painful to answer…

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Speed Bumps on the Road of Life

Over the past week or so I've written a lot of blogs in my head but none have been typed out or posted. They've all been too depressing or angry, too filled with uncontrolled emotions to format into an actual piece. You see, describing the last few months as bumpy is...

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